日本研究發現食用過量海藻恐提高罹患甲狀腺癌風險日本近期針對深受日本人喜愛的海藻進行相關研究發現,更年期後期婦女定期食用含碘海藻恐提高罹患甲狀腺癌風險。該研究追蹤融資53,000位年齡介於40-69歲的日本女性長達14年之久,發現134位罹患甲狀腺癌婦女中竟有113位罹患常見的乳突癌。 歐洲防癌期刊指出,天天食用海藻的人罹患甲狀腺癌機率較每週食用賣屋不超過2次的人高出1.7倍;更年期後期婦女較限制食用海藻量的人罹癌率竟高達3.8倍。報告研判經常食用海藻的日本女性罹癌風險較高,逾八成恐係海藻含碘所致。(摘譯自INFOFISH 房地產Trade News, No. 7/2012,16 April 2012) EATING SEAWEED MAY INCREASE RISK OF THYROIDA Japanese study released recently suggests regular seaweed consumption by 結婚西裝post-menopausalwomen heightened their risk of developing thyroid cancer, which is linked to iodine content in theproduct. The study was derived from the 14-year 房屋貸款national survey of about 53,000 Japanese women,aged 40 to 69 of whom 134 thyroid cancer cases were reported, including 113 cases of papillarycarcinoma, a common 酒店打工thyroid cancer.Researcher reported in the European Journal of Cancer Prevention those who ate seaweed dailywere 1.7 times more likely to be diagnosed with thyroid 澎湖民宿cancer than those who ate it no more thantwice a week, the study said. The risk among post-menopausal women were about 3.8 times morelikely to develop the cancer 房屋貸款compared to those whose consumption of seaweed was limited.Seaweed is a popular food in Japan . Japanese women were at higher risk given that they eatseaweed more 帛琉often, which can account for up to 80% of their iodine intake.

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